Hydelic’s Tetris Effect Original Soundtrack, which was released in late-May, has managed to break into Billboard’s top 100 chart for current album sales, coming in at number 97. According to Venture Beat, the game soundtrack manages to outdo Florida Georgia Line’s 6-Pack and Lil Wayne’s Funeral.
The Tetris Effect OST is now readily available to stream or buy from Amazon Music, or to stream through Spotify, YouTube Music, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud.
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The tracklisting is made up of an eclectic mix of EDM sub-genres, switching between electro rhythms, rap-infused house beats and chill-hop ambient tracks. Hydelic’s composition mixes perfectly with Tetris Effect’s techno-psychedelic visual style, and helps to achieve the hypnotic yet focused mindset needed to conquer the cascading tetromino blocks. This experience is particularly acute when the game is played with a PSVR headset, which is why we ranked among our favourite games for the platform.
Tetris Effect has had a great reception within the video gaming community. The game has taken the traditional premise of Tetris, and given it a hyperspace overhaul.

Bonus fact: Tetris Effect takes its name from the psychological phenomenon known as the Tetris effect, or Tetris syndrome, which occurs when a person’s long-term involvement with the game can affect the way they perceive and understand the world around them.
As recently reported by GoldenNewsCasino, the original Tetris is one of the best-selling games of all time – not bad for a simple puzzle game conceived by Alexey Pajitnova, a humble Soviet-era Russian software engineer.