Launched in March 2017, the Nintendo Switch sought to bring a new type of gaming system to the world – one that seamlessly combined both the portable and home console experience. According to statistics gathered by GoldenCasinoNews, in its first year, the Switch sold 15.5 million units, comfortably outselling it us under-performing predecessor, the Wii U, which sold which sold a meagre 13.5 million units worldwide over its entire lifespan.

Having refined the formula introduced in the Wii U, the Switch has managed to integrate itself more comfortably into the gaming market and has seen a continuous increase in popularity.
As of December 2019, 49.8 million units had been sold. Microsoft’s Xbox One, which launched in 2013, had sold only 45.24 million globally as of December 2019 (via PocketGamer).
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When the coronavirus pandemic hit in February 2020, many people found themselves confined to the home. This restriction of movement saw the entire video game market spike, with the Nintendo Switch gaining most from a sudden serge in popularity. March alone saw 4.2 million sales, bringing the sales of the Switch up to 55.7 million units sold. The biggest spike was seen in North America, followed by Europe and Japan.

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This sudden growth in sales and popularity has also been helped by the phenomenal and record-breaking sales of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game has only just been knocked off of the UK gaming chart’s top spot by Nintendo’s iconic JRPG title, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition. There are currently three Switch-only titles in the top ten, with Minecraft Switch Edition being the third (via GamesIndustry).
Despite the Switch’s recent success, the PlayStation 4 is still the most popular gaming console of the current generation. As reported by The Verge, since its launch in 2013, the PS4 has sold over 110 million units. The best-selling console of all time is currently 2000’s PlayStation 2, which sold 155 million units, followed by the Nintendo DS range which has sold 154-million units combined.
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