Currys is introducing a new free loyalty scheme called Currys Perks. The scheme promises members exclusive discounts, offers on top brands, surprise sales and the chance to win prizes in regular draws.
Here’s a breakdown of the three benefits of Currys Perks:
Member discounts: Members will receive exclusive discounts on sought-after tech throughout the year.
Monthly surprises: Every month there’s a new surprise for members of Currys Perks, including draws to win tech and invite-only secret sales.
Partner benefits: Currys’ premium partners will offer Perks members special perks. For example, new members currently receive three months of free Apple TV+.
You can sign up to Currys Perks here, where you’ll also be able to take a spin on the Wheel of Perks for a chance to win a gift voucher.
To celebrate the launch of Currys Perks, customers who sign up will receive a three-month subscription to Apple TV+. New members who register their interest in the loyalty scheme between 26th October and 2nd November will also be entered into a draw to win a gift card worth between £10 and £500, redeemable over the Black Friday period (5th November to the 30th November).
The launch of Currys Perks follows a rebrand which has seen the retailer refresh its online and brick-and-mortar stores, and drop the name "Currys PC World".
Once the exclusive member deals start hitting the online store, we’ll update this article with the stand-out offers. Be sure to check back regularly!
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