The best frisbees for some fun in the sun

It's the ideal sport to play on holiday or at home; find your ideal frisbee here.

Two people playing frisbee

by Isabel Martins |
Updated on

As we find ourselves in the last stretch of summer, many of us need a light-hearted summer activity to entertain ourselves or our kids.

However, with most sports and activities, we find ourselves getting pretty tired and sweaty by the end of it. And if the weather's too hot, or you just don't want to tire yourself out, you might be looking for a fun, unique pastime to see you through.

That's the beauty of playing frisbee. As far as sports go, it's doesn't have to require much energy. Be it for a local vacation, or just an easy and fun activity in our garden, playing with a frisbee is a fun and entertaining way to pass the time.

That being said, you can quickly turn it into a more demanding sport if you want to work up a sweat; ultimate frisbee requires plenty of sprinting and advanced catching skills.

Frisbee is a pretty versatile sport, and there are plenty of different games you can try out. It's also excellent for kids to develop their hand-eye coordination and catching skills (and for adults to improve theirs).

We've created a guide of the best frisbees on the market right now, be it for ultimate frisbee or a relaxed holiday. Make sure you check out our FAQs section at the bottom of this roundup for the best frisbee games, too.

Best frisbees of 2021:

Editor's pick
Discraft 175 gram Ultra Star Sport Disc

Rrp: $12.99

Price: $11.00
Alternative retailers
Walmart$9.99View offer

What's truly excellent about this product is that it's ideal for both competitive or ultimate frisbee as well as casual frisbee games, due to its aerodynamic and streamlined design. Either way, you can't go wrong with it!

Best frisbee for casual games

This is an excellent choice for casual games, whether it's in your garden or at the beach. This frisbee is super lightweight and durable, it's also quite flexible so even if it gets bent a little bit, it won't break.

Best interesting frisbee
Nite Ize Flashflight LED Light Up Flying Disc
Price: $25.19
Alternative retailers
Walmart$25.19View offer
Newegg$50.99View offer
Newegg$50.99View offer

If you're in the market for something a little bit different, then this LED light-up frisbee by Nite Ize might just be the one for you. You can choose between six different colours, and the patented LED technology means the whole disc will illuminate in your chosen colour! It's ideal if you want to play after the sun has set.

Best frisbee for windy days

It's incredibly annoying if the weather doesn't coincide with your plans, and whilst it may not be as sensitive to the weather as other sports, if it's very windy you'll have trouble playing frisbee. However, this product by Innova can fix that problem as it is ideal for windy weather, due to the fact that it's significantly heavier than other discs.

Best frisbee for kids and families
Activ Life Best Kid's Flying Rings
Price: $14.99
Alternative retailers
Walmart$14.99View offer

As they are extremely lightweight, these frisbees are an excellent choice for families and children. They're very streamlined and sleek, so they're easier to catch and throw than other frisbees.

Best frisbee for adults/long throws
Aerobie 970031 Pro Frisbee Throw Ring
Price: $16.68
Alternative retailers
Newegg$19.86View offer

If you want to get a little bit competitive, then these frisbee rings are perfect as they're designed for very long throws. In fact, it was this product that was used to win the world record for the farthest throw, a whopping 1,330 feet!

Best budget frisbee
Wicked Sky Rider Sport
Price: $23.65

Who says you need to spend a lot of money on a frisbee? This Sky Rider disc is very durable and carries a pretty attractive price tag.

Best frisbee for dogs

With hundreds of glowing reviews, it's easy to see why this is one of Amazon's top choice products. It comes in a pack of two and is made from non-toxic and natural rubber, meaning it's very safe for dogs. An added bonus is that it can double up as a dog bowl whilst you're out!


What should I look for in a frisbee?

This is completely up to you and what you need, but there are a couple of key things to look out for, including weight, material, and durability. If you're looking for a frisbee to play with small kids you'll need one that's extra lightweight, such as the Activ Kid's discs.

What games can I play with a frisbee?

There are plenty of games to play, and if you get a little creative your options become almost endless! Below we've rounded up our favourite frisbee games for kids:

Hula hoop Frisbee throw

Frisbee tag

Frisbee tic-tac-toe

Frisbee flip

You can find more suggestions here. There's also plenty of frisbee games for both adults and children.

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Isabel Martins is a Commercial Content Writer for What's The Best, specialising in technology.

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