People are making Percy Pig McFlurries and you need to try one ASAP

Another delicious trend we can thank TikTok for.

Percy Pig McFlurry

by Marina Avraam |
Updated on

Everyone loves a McDonald's McFlurry, and while you might be opting for the classic Oreo or Smarties, we're here to bring you the latest McFlurry flavour circulating on TikTok - only it's not on the menu.

TikToker @melika_zaidi, who's well-known for her genius food hacks and reviews, took to the platform to share a quick and easy hack that can transform a plain McFlurry into a delicious, pink Percy Pig McFlurry.

According to Melika, all you have to do is order the plain, soft-serve McFlurry from the McDonald's menu and pop on some Percy Pig sauce as well as a few Percy Pig sweets and pigtails. Make sure to mix thoroughly and voila - you've got yourself your very own DIY Percy Pig McFlurry.

You can get the Percy Pig sauce and all the sweets you need right now from Amazon and M&S. Happy tasting!

M&S Percy Pig Dessert Sauce 290g x 2 Pack
Price: $17.35

Marks & Spencer | Percy Pigs -Phizzy Pig Tails

Rrp: $17.30

Price: $14.49

Marina Avraam is a Commercial Content Writer for WhatsTheBest, and also writes for Mother&Baby, Heat and Closer. She has a passion for psychology, reading and fashion writing.

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